Micro-transaction games growing stronger!

  A multiplayer online games market data that tracks both PC massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs) and multiplayer online games (MOGs) that have a charged service this includes subscription and micro-transaction payments, has revealed that the subscription sector has suffered a heavy decline in 2010 while the micro-transaction type grew ever strongly.

  With this information  IHS Screen Digest expects the MMOG/MOG segment to grow from $2.7 billion in 2010 to $3.1 billion by 2015 due to the growth driven by microtransaction-based services in both the MMOG and MOG sub-segments.
Read the full article Here.

  This is most likely either due to the economic crisis world-wide as players try to go to free to play games or due to the fact that free to play games no longer have that "cheap" feeling and are starting to have as much quality as the the subscription games.


Anonymous said...

I don't really like shop type games, Guild Wars being a f2p is the only exception as the game shop they have are for vanity only, much like wow and doesn't have a direct impact to the game, what fun is it for a player that likes to work for what he wants, when he has to play next to people that simply by having money can get everything, thus cheapening the work and the items? Just a thought...

Liaata said...

i like them aswell and im very happy the community i growing!

Unknown said...

Woo! Five it up for the little man! :D


Nova said...

I hate micro transactions and i hate that the market is headed that way

Anonymous said...

Yea I just canceled my WoW account...

Scott said...

God I hate micro transactions. Having to buy character slots so you can have more than 2 piss me off. If there has to be transactions, first post is right, make them vanity.

DJNOVVY said...

Great !

pv said...

sounds interesting maybe more for the fact im taking a college course in micro economics

Choms1337 said...

hmm sounds great :) follow :)

Unknown said...

It is sorta crap, but you gotta remember that this is how companies make a good portion of their money and fund more jobs.

Unknown said...

Well, there are so many games of this sort out here.
When a ton of people get into this market, it becomes crowded. That's one thing I've noticed and it's annoying. However, The Sims is an alright game to me.
You don't need to buy anything in order for it to be fun.

Magnum said...

This is one sad piece of news if you ask me. Micro transaction gaming is killing the fun coming from playing a game. Sure, you don't have to 'cheat' buying stuff with your real money, but while the others do that it surely affects the gaming experience - like for instance, the PvP battles. It surely helps the industry itself (getting more money per one game for the developers), but... I wish we all followed a different path.

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